Love and Other Drugs was amazing!!! I'm in love with Anne Hathaway!!
"Láska a iné Drogy" bolo užasne!!! Som zamilovany do Anne Hathaway!!
On my way to the KISS FM Jingle Ball! Can't wait to present with the PLL guys!
Som na ceste do KISS FM Jingle Ball! Neviem sa dočkať stretnutia s chalanmi z PLL!
At the KIIS FM Jingle Ball! Just signed some autographs with the guys... Had a blast!!!
V KIIS FM Jingle Ball! S chalanmi sme podpisali nejaké autogramy... Mal som výbuch!!!
With the PLL guys about to walk the red carpet!!!
S chalanmi z PLL na červenom koberci!!!
At the Roger Waters concert!!!
Na koncerte Rogera Watersa!!!
Going to bed after an amazing day! Night :)
Po užasnom dni sa chystám do postele! Noc :)
Roger Waters was incredible!!! I still can't believe it... I've never seen anything like it!
Roger Waters bol neuveretelný!!! Stále tomu nemôžem uveriť... Nikdy som nič podobné nevidel!
In acting class...
V tride herectva ....
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