pátek 19. listopadu 2010

Diego -official twitter (50)

Out for a run... Its so beautiful out here!!!
Zabehal by som si vonku... Je tu tak krásne!!!

On my way to watch the Kings VS Blue Jackets game!! First time going to a hockey game- I'm looking forward to it!
Na ceste na zápas Kings VS Blue Jackets!! Prvýkrat idem na hokej- tešim sa na to!

At the game... Go Kings!!!
V hre.... do toho Kings!!!

Good morning guys! I'm on my way to the gym... Have a great day!
Dobré ráno všetkým! Som na ceste do posilňovne... Želám skvelý deň!

Having dinner with my friends @delabarracuda & @sagabee. Tried Pho for the first time- its really good! The Vietnamese version of pozole ha!
Večeriam s mojimi priatelmi @delabarracuda & @sagabee.. Pho sa snažil- je naozaj dobrý. Vietnamská verzia pozole ha!
Les tengo una sorpresa... :) I have a surprise for y'all!!!
Mám pre všetkých prekvapenie!!!

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